Life is a balance between rest and movement

Anna-Lena Schneider’s portrait

Hi, I’m Anna-Lena!

aka Ale

To live, love and touch, to try new things and — literally — to turn the world upside down: that’s my motto!

I experience yoga as pure magic, and it has accompanied me for many years on my way back to my roots — to myself. Yoga has been by my side during diverse strokes of fate, my party-hard college years, my pregnancies, relationships that have been both crazy and inspiring, and simply the circus we all currently live in called life.

My classes are characterized by powerful, balancing and playful elements. I think yoga should be really fun, get you to venture out of your comfort zone, and inspire you to reset your own self-taught limits. And not just on a physical level!

In addition, I love to massage, to touch and to help your body activate its own healing power.

After all, the magic happens once you’re off the massage table or futon and the body has had time to incorporate the input it has just received.



Thai Yoga Massage

A wonderful combination of energy work and acupressure, passive yoga and deep relaxation. Thai Yoga Massage connects body, mind and soul and brings you back to your natural, balanced state. Prana, the life energy, can flow freely again.

Oil massage on futon

Unwind! Relax and unfold. This very meditative form of massage is mainly about the regenerative and harmonizing effects it has on the body and mind.

Deep tissue massage

A combination of classical massage and intensive connective tissue massage. The fasciae are loosened extensively and unpleasant muscle tensions are released. This form of massage helps your body return to its natural functionality.

Pregnancy massage

In pregnancy the body is in a constant state of change. During this massage the pregnant person lies on their side. This massage helps release tensions, loosen the spine and relieve the pelvis. A massage during this special time is a wonderful gift to you and the life to come.

Book an appointment

Contact me directly for a massage via WhatsApp or .


new classes

Please bring your own Yoga Mat

Lunch flow

Monday 12 - 12:45 pm, Nachbarschaftstreff Führichstraße

Du möchtest dem Mittagstief aktiv! entgegenwirken, dem Körper eine Pause vom Schreibtisch gönnen, einfach mal kurz abschalten und ins Fühlen kommen? Dann ist der Lunch Flow genau das Richtige für Dich, die kraftvolle Praxis mit tiefwirkenden Dehnübungen schenkt dir den ersehnten Ausgleich und lässt dich gut in die Woche starten.

  • Trial Class Free
  • Drop in 10 €
  • 5 card = 45 €
  • 10 card = 80 €

Yoga movement

Wednesday 6 - 7:30 pm, Nachbarschaftstreff Führichstraße

In dieser dynamischen Yogastunde verbinden wir das klassische Vinyasa Yoga mit Movement Elementen und geben so dem Körper neue Impulse. Ihr dürft euch auf eine abwechslungsreiche Stunde mit meditativen und kraftvollen Elementen freuen, untermalt von erholsamer Musik fließen wir durch die Yogapraxis, die mit einer tiefen Entspannung - Savasana endet. Das Level der Stunde passt sich dem Schüler an.

  • Trial Class Free
  • Drop in 14 €
  • 5 card = 60 €
  • 10 card = 110 €

Yoga in its various forms and styles has accompanied me for over 10 years. Depending on the situation in life, yoga is always a loyal companion. Asanas, breathing exercises and meditation make up a complete yoga practice; the focus can always vary. Even in extraordinary life situations like injuries or pregnancies, yoga can be integrated into our lives and can always, always be practiced.

For me, however, yoga is most effective "off the mat" when we take what we experience through our yoga practice into life, look at things from a wider perspective, and think more holistically and sustainably. For me, yoga also means being mindful in our relationships with others and nature, and to remind ourselves and be thankful for what we are given every day — here and now is all we have.

I am currently doing my 300-hour apprenticeship program at the Patrick Broome Academy with my mentor, Sascha Peschke, to further deepen my knowledge of yoga philosophy, asana practice and the breathing technique pranayama.

Private lessons

Want to work on specific asanas, transitions, or your own practice? Feeling like those priorities get lost in open studio classes? Maybe you are dealing with a specific injury, making open classes complicated for you as you’re unsure how to adjust? Are you pregnant, but don’t want to miss out on a dynamic practice? Then let’s explore your specific needs together and address them individually.


You’ve never done yoga before, or maybe you’ve had a taste of it somewhere but feel uncomfortable practicing in an open class in the studio? Or maybe you’ve had a bad experience?

In a five- or 10-unit package we will lay the foundation of your yoga practice together. We will focus on standing postures, forward bends, backbends and inversions, sun salutations, and the use of props like blocks and straps. The goal of this introductory class is to get to know your body better, as well as the cornerstones of most open studio classes, so that you can practice confidently and safely in the studio.

Small Groups

Would you like to deepen your yoga practice or start from scratch but you would like to embark on this exciting journey in company, i.e., with your partner or friends? That’s wonderful, as we all know it’s easier to learn together, and it’s also way more fun!

Do you have any questions about the schedule, pricing or anything else? Feel free to contact me at any time using one of the contact options provided below.
I’m looking forward to meeting you!


I am currently in doula training that I will complete in summer 2022. I chose this training because it is very close to my heart. For both of my pregnancies I would have liked the presence of a doula so much, but I didn’t even know they existed.

The word "doula" is derived from the Greek "doleia" and means "to serve" or "to care for." A GfG-Doula® has given birth herself and has profound knowledge about childbirth, and the period before and after. A doula therefore knows and understands the emotional needs of a person during childbirth. Therefore, she is able to give the person giving birth empathetic, continuous and individual support. This means, for example, that she breathes together with the birthing person, helps them to relax through massage, comforts them, encourages them, and cares for them...depending on what they need at the moment.

If you’d like to exchange ideas or have any questions, I would be very happy to hear from you.

Stay, don’t fade away!

Massage & personalized Yoga for you in Munich

Curious? If you have a question or would like to share something, I would be very happy to hear from you!

00 49 176 641 451 32